Adding Comments in Python

Learn how to add comments in Python, including the importance of commenting your code, a step-by-step explanation, and practical tips for writing efficient and readable code.

What are Comments in Python?

In programming, a comment is a line or block of code that is ignored by the interpreter. It’s used to provide additional information about what the code does, why it was written, and any relevant context. In Python, comments start with the # symbol and continue until the end of the line.

Why are Comments Important?

Comments are essential for several reasons:

  • Code readability: Comments help other developers (and yourself) understand the purpose and logic behind your code.
  • Maintenance and debugging: When you revisit your code, comments remind you what you were trying to achieve and why certain decisions were made.
  • Collaboration: Comments facilitate collaboration by providing context for others working on the same project.

How to Add a Comment in Python

To add a comment in Python, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open your text editor or IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
  2. Type the # symbol at the beginning of the line where you want to add the comment.
  3. Write your comment after the # symbol.

Here’s an example:

# This is a comment explaining what the code does

x = 5  # Assigning the value 5 to variable x
y = x * 2  # Calculating y as twice the value of x

Best Practices for Commenting Your Code

When writing comments, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Keep it concise: Aim for a comment that provides essential information without unnecessary details.
  • Be accurate: Ensure your comment accurately reflects what the code does or why it was written.
  • Avoid repetitive comments: Don’t repeat what’s already clear from the code itself.

Practical Use Case: Documenting Your Code

Suppose you’re working on a Python project that calculates the average price of items in an e-commerce store. You want to document your code with comments explaining each step of the calculation:

# Calculate the total cost by summing up all item prices
total_cost = 0
for item in inventory:
    total_cost += item.price

# Divide the total cost by the number of items to get the average price
average_price = total_cost / len(inventory)

print("Average Price: ", average_price)

In this example, comments help explain each line of code and provide context for why certain calculations were made.


Adding comments in Python is a crucial skill for any developer. By following best practices and keeping your comments concise, accurate, and relevant, you can improve the readability and maintainability of your code. Remember to comment your code regularly as you work on projects, and don’t hesitate to ask for help or clarification when needed!